one on one coaching + counseling.
I work primarily with the neurodivergent population, specialties being autism and ADHD, specifically late diagnosis in adults. as an LPC, I currently work for a private practice called Bluestone Counseling. all other services offered are through Mehri Davis, LLC, or the non-profit that I created and direct, Columbus on the Spectrum. I work both virtually and in-person. my rate is income-based. if you cannot afford the price, please know that I will help you make it work, just reach out and we can chat about options.

the time to reinvent yourself is now.

life is overwhelming. do you do it alone? do you handle problems + make important decisions alone? why? having someone reminding you how amazing you are is what you deserve start today.
scope of practice.
Mehri comes from 20+ years of experience working with the neurodivergent population, and people who experience other barriers. As a coach, her areas of specialty are neurodivergence, confidence, and purpose finding. Mehri is neurodivergent, with ADHD. In 2018, Davis had a stroke, leaving her, 'more neurodivergent', as TBI also falls under the neurodivergent umbrella. As she healed, she realized she had gained all of the sensory issues that a lot of people with autism experience. The non-profit, Columbus on the Spectrum, was created by Davis, as a way for her to learn from a population of adults who had experienced sensory issues their whole lives. This was great, because Mehri started scoping out sensory-friendly bars, patios, and restaurants around Columbus, Ohio (where she grew up and has lived most of her life, but never had to worry about things like this). Mehri began taking groups of adults on the spectrum to these places, and asking them what they would do if the table in front of us filled with people and noise. Mehri has spent almost two years doing this work, helping people on the spectrum see themselves as teachers, not people with a bunch of problems that prevent them from living their lives fully. For more information, check out
Mehri's style is to make the learner the teacher, and to make all of her clients feel equal to her, not see her as something higher than them, or 'further along' than they are. Everyone has something to teach, everyone has something to learn. Feedback about Mehri's work often speaks to the amount of affirmation she gives, and confidence in self one builds as a result. Specialties are VALIDATION, AFFIRMATION, HELPING FIND PURPOSE, AND SEEING ONE'S SELF AS A HELPER, NOT SOMEONE WHO IS 'MESSED UP.'
pricing + session length.
Hourly rate: $250/hour
Financial assistance: if I have space for you, and you are ready to make moves, but cannot pay the full hourly rate, that is totally fine! there are a lot of options available to take down cost, shoot us a message if you would like to receive services but cannot afford full price.
Session length: 60 minutes, however, if it is necessary to have shorter sessions, due to attention span, we will accommodate.
First session: if guardian is who coordinates services, session one will be Mehri and the Guardian only, and will last 30 minutes.